Friday, May 31, 2019

Human Cloning Essay -- essays papers

Human CloningThere are many opinions on the state-supportedation of cloning, particularly on the controversy of human cloning. Lots of people have many fears over if we should continue this form of study, whereas others think that this engineering should be pushed before with high hopes. However, no side should rule out the other, but instead, should compliment one another. Both arguments should be heard and acknowledged before any conclusiveness is made towards this new area of study. For example, many people think that their fears are unanswerable and should cause the absolute ban on cloning.Although many scientists are in the field of cloning, many other people have scientific reasons why this shouldnt happen. One reason is that if a human clone were ever successfully made, it wouldnt be an exact clone anyway Einstein wasnt smart solely because of his genes, but the environment that he was surrounded by. However, a collateral side to this is that since another exact copy woul dnt be made, another Hitler could besides not be created, as many may fear. In fact, agree are closer to one another that any clone that could be made because of a seemingly special bond created during pregnancy. vernal techniques are also feared, such as with Dolly.Another sort out of reasons concern Dolly. Originally an attempt at creating a sheep that produced a special quality of milk, Dolly was created from a group led by Dr. Ian Wilmut at the Roslin Institute in Scotland on July 5, 1996. They used a different method for mammals than used previously by starving the pre-cloned cells into hibernation, and thence using nuclear transfer (copying the nucleus of the cell). Some say that if we continue with cloning, it would be extremely risky, because it is known that it took 277 tries to create Dolly. However, bans have been made to prohibit public uses of cloning. It is also known that Dolly was born with short telomeres. Telomeres power the successful reproduction and divisi on of cells, and are found in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of genes found in chromosomes. When she was tested, it was discovered that her telomeres were shorter than other non-cloned sheep her age. However, scientists say that this mistake could be useful for treatment of cancer. By giving cancer cells in the body short telomeres and putting them fend for into the body, other cancer cells would be infected, and would die qui... ...ning should not happen if it endangers any living being or if it causes loss of respect for the lives of humans and animals. This new technology has the power to do some very serious damage to mankind. On the other hand, the positive possibilities are staggering, and with the correct precautions, cloning will become a very powerful force in the scientific world as you know it.BibliographyCloned Baby of Dead son in the Works. The Province 18 Feb. 2001 A p.37.Cloned DNA a Cure for Rare Immune. The Vancouver Sun 23 Dec. 1998 B p.6.Cloning. (Onlin e). Available http//, edge 15, 2001.History of Cloning. (Online). Available http//, March 15, 2001.Hyde, Margaret O., and Lawrence E. Hyde. Cloning and the new Genetics. U.S. Enslow, 1984.Jeffens, David. Cloning Frontiers of Genetic Engineering. Ontario Megatech, 1999.Monkeys Cloned in Oregon. The Province 3 Mar. 1997 A p.13.More ORE. Cloned Monkeys on Way. The Province 4 Mar. 1997 A p.18.Pollack, Robert. Beyond Cloning. The New York Times 17 Nov. 1993 A p.27.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Leadership vs. Management Essays -- Compare Contrast Leader Manager Es

put outership vs. ManagementMuch has been written about the difference between management and leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In absolved of our ever-changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more important to lead than to manage. In todays world the old ways of management no longer work. One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article authorise Whats the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the difference between a theater director and a leader is that the manager finds himself quite willing to beat back risk, but seemingly afraid to take the risk of being different. That being true, a manager will always be reactive instead of proactive. A true leader will be proactive. He will embrace change and will look for ways to differentia te himself and his company from the competition. Warren Bennis a popular writer of leadership resources defines the difference between managers and leaders by using the following contrasts1.The manager administers the leader innovates.2.The manager maintains the leader develops.3.The manager accepts naive realism the leader investigates it.4.The manager focuses on systems and structures the leader focuses on people.5.The manager relies on control the leader inspires trust.6.The manager has a short-range view the leader has a long-range perspective.7.The manager asks how and when the leader asks what and why.8.The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line the leader has his or her eye on the horizon.9.The manager imitates the leader originates. 10.The manager accepts the status quo the leader challenges it.11.The manager is the classic good soldier the leader is his or her own person.The burnish of an composition is embodied in its vision as well as the actions and at titude of its employees. Managers can sometimes sustain the skeleton of the company culture but it takes a leader to reanimate it and keep it healthy. A manager works hard at keeping the old culture and a leader works even harder at ensuring the culture is innovative and breathing in each of its employees. Bo... ...capacity, probably both are necessary in a successful organization. However, in order to keep a company competitive and on the leading edge in an industry, it is more important to have strong leadership than strong management. With strong leadership, the culture of an organization is kept not only alive, but also healthy and thriving. An organization with strong leadership always encourages change and most always requires it. Both by a focus on hiring and developing strong leaders and maintaining a consistent two-way communication system, an organization can ensure its culture is created and retained in a healthy manner. With strong leadership an organization will con tinue to change with its environment and keep ahead of the competition. Works CitedBennis, Walter (1997). Learning To Lead A Workbook on Becoming A Leader, pg. 9, Perseus Books, Addison/WesleyCampbell, Gary (2004). Whats the Difference Between Your Hospital and the Other? HealthLeaders News July, 2004One Thousand Ventures (2000). Business Guide, Management. Retrieved April 20, 2005 from http//