Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Case 75 Federal Bank Solution - 3035 Words

Case: 75 Federal Finance Bank – Instructor’s Solution INPUT DATA: Amount Needed to Raise Flotation Costs Stock Offer Price Market Value/Book Value Ratio (Dollars in thousands) Assets Cash U.S. Treasuries Mortgage-backed Securities Municipal Bonds Government Agency Securities Total Cash Securities Residential Mortgage Loans Consumer Loans Business Loans Total Loans Fixed Assets Total Assets Liabilities Passbook Savings Non-interest Checking N.O.W. Accounts Money Market Accounts Certiï ¬ cate of Deposits Total Savings Borrowed Money Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Capital Stock ($100 par value) Retained Earnings Total Equity Total Claims Loan Loss Reserve Allowable Risk Adjustment Weights: No default risk Low default risk Res. loans †¦show more content†¦Total Number of Shares Outstanding = capital stock/par value per share = $12,155,000/$100 = 121,550 Book Value per Share = total equity/number of shares outstanding = $26,490,000/121,550 =$217.94 2. Using the data in Table 3, calculate Federal Finance’s 2000 ROA and average annual growth rate in assets from 1995 to 2000. (Hint: In your calculations, use only the data for 1995 and 2000.) ROA = Net Proï ¬ t/ Total Assets = $7,863/$525,826 = 1.50% The compounded annual growth rate in assets can be found as follows: Assets1995 (1+g)5 = Assets2000 $273,617 (1+g)5 = $525,826 (1+g)5 = $525,826/273,617 = 1.92 (1+g) = 1.921/5 = 1.1396 g = 0.1396 = 13.96%. 3. For the four Bank’s listed in Table 4, calculate the following: a. The Capital Asset Ratio for 2000. b. Compound annual growth rates in assets for the ï ¬ ve-year period 1995–2000. c. The ROA ratios in 2000. d. The market value/book value ratios for 2000. e. How does Federal Finance compare with the Capital Asset Ratios and growth rates of these institutions? a. Capital Asset Ratio = Shareholders’ equity/total assets Maryland Financial = $11,800/$220,000 = 5.36% Great Northern Bank = $23,700/$476,000 = 4.98% First Bank of California = $15,400/$305,000 = 5.05% Omaha Federal = $12,900/$238,000 = 5.42% Case: 75 Federal Finance Bank – Instructor’s Solution b. Assets Growth Rate = Assets1995(1+g)5=Assets2000Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Inflation On The Economy1129 Words   |  5 Pagesspend more. Moreover, people thought that increasing of inflation allowed the economy to grow. Therefore, if inflation reduced, the unemployment would be raised, and consequently, the economy of the country would be slowing down. Then, the central bank had to increment money supply in order to turn the inflation up again, and so it keeping the economy moving. The society was more used to a Keynesian-economic theory which balanced output with inflation. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Revision Of The Wedding - 1010 Words

For the revision of The Wedding, I used the rubic and the instructor’s critiques. I changed the opening into an attention getter suggested by the instructor. I also chose the perspective of the main character to add more depth to the poem. I took the dramatic tension and gave more life to that so I could tie it into the character’s perspective. I changed the ending to make it more effective for this poem using the thirteen ways of looking at revision. For the revision of The Bra, I used the suggestions of my peers. Several suggestions came up about the title so I changed it to Support from My Bra. I had a misspelled word that I had to change (stares). The metal piece in the bra was removed, because it confused the readers†¦show more content†¦I looked at examples of other writers and the different styles of poetry. I changed the rhythm of this poem to make it flow easier. I used the guidelines from thirteen ways of looking at revisions. Now the poem has a solid , rhythmic pattern. For the revision of Dear Father, I used the instructor’s critiques. I added more lines to the poem to make my voice more expressive and relatable to my life. I removed a few lines so the poem could have a specific tone and rhythm for the reader. I looked at the poetry website we had to use for a quiz. I was able to read various poems to get a feel of flow. After reading different poems, I felt more confident in the route I was going with my revision. The readings from assignments were very helpful in understanding how to write and the different styles that can be used. I enjoyed the assigned readings, poems, and short stories, because it gave you a whole different view of writing styles you may have not otherwise been exposed to. I was able to apply all of this to my revisions. Although the quizzes were challenging, they pulled out of me thoughts and ideas I didn’t know I had in me. It was challenging at first, but eventually I caught on and gave mo re effort. So I can say the quizzes helped me to push the envelope for my revisions. I developed my passion for the art of writing again after reading my

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Suburban Seal Enclosure free essay sample

I’m standing there, smiling at the seals and waving and hoping that they smile back. I’m wondering if the seals can see me and if they know that I’m waving to them and not to the building or the other people or anything else, just to them. I’m wishing that I could swim with them because wouldn’t it be nice to be a seal? I’m trying to get closer but the railing is in my way and my parents hold me back and I keep waving. And this is how it is, every day. Until we move away from downtown, away from the aquarium, and I start first grade and then it’s only like this maybe three times a year. And then more years go by and they take away the seals and then it’s never like this again. I’m older and taller and waving at only the suggestion of seals, an empty spot outside of the Baltimore Aquarium. We will write a custom essay sample on Suburban Seal Enclosure or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There aren’t a lot of seals in my new town. There aren’t any aquariums. There aren’t a lot of buildings at all, just a bunch of nice brick houses with sprawling green lawns and some grocery stores and pizza places and an elementary school. There aren’t a lot of people, unless you go to a lacrosse field. And even there, you’ll know almost everyone on the field, almost everyone on the sidelines. If you don’t know someone, you’ll know someone who knows that someone from an elite lacrosse travel team. I tried lacrosse once. It didn’t do much for me and I never learned how to cradle. I felt a little isolated here I couldn’t make sports team connections like the others could. My mom always thought that she knew every single person here. We’d be in the cereal aisle of the grocery store and I’d be grabbing a box of Cocoa Puffs and a few feet away, a woman in a navy blue polo shirt would be grabbing some oatmeal. â€Å"Excuse me, do I know you?† my mom would ask and pretty soon, they’ve realized that their sons were going to be in the same middle school class. I always thought that the reason she thought she knew everyone was because everyone looked so similar. Maybe she didn’t know this lady in the polo shirt and khakis, but she knew ten other ladies in the same thing and she got them all mixed up in her head. And soon, I was inside the seal enclosure, or at least the suburban version of one, just like I had always wanted to be. I was past the railing and past my parents and it was all supposed to be okay. But it wasn’t. Turns out I wasn’t meant to be a seal. The seals all wore ribbons in their hair and khaki shorts. They all looked the same and I tried to blend in with the crowd, but I wasn’t a seal and so, it was all pointless. I tried to look past the enclosure, but I realized that seals didn’t see the businessmen hurrying to work or the street performers juggling or even the little girls waving to them. And neither did I because someone had put a film around the enclosure. We could just see each other and it didn’t take long for me to get sick of looking at seals all the time. This â€Å"world†, if I can even call it a world, has made me want more. I want to break out of the enclosure and walk along the street. I want to be able to see seals, but also be able to see giraffes and the homeless man wrapped in just a thin blanket in the middle of January and the tourist families snapping pictures in front of important monuments. I want to hear not just the seal yelps and tales of lacrosse games, but the honks of urgency in traffic and debates about world issues and conversations in other languages that always pique my curiosity. I want the shark tank, the whole aquarium, the aquarium and the zoo, an entire city, the world. I want diversity in my life. I dream of this diversity. I dream of meeting new people, having new experiences, going new places. I dream of the world beyond this seal enclosure.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Made-Up Nixon Speech Essays - Presidency Of Richard Nixon

Made-Up Nixon Speech My fellow Americans, I come to you tonight to ask for a hand to lend in my aide. I know that a great number of the silent majority would like to see the Vietnam war to finally come to a close. And, because of my campaign promise, I am standing here tonight to inform you that I have a plan of action that I shall use to uphold that promise. But, I need your support. We have to come together as a country, as a whole, to back our troops in Vietnam. A nation that stands as one is very hard to say no to. And I shall use that to the fullest of its extent in my upcoming meeting in Paris. We must unite for peace as well as victory. To lose this war would be an upset to all of our country. It would be an upset to the people of this country, the soldiers that died for our cause, and an upset to the American Flag, our symbol of power and freedom. Therefore, we must all join forces as one to adapt and overcome this obsticle. As your president, I hold the key to ending this war and I shall use it. You can feel free to rest your mind and soul in knowing that the end is near. The fighting will soon cease and the Americans that gave their time, effort, and lives up shall be back on American soil to enjoy life here as we have all been living. The dark wave of war is soon to calm, leaving only memories in the heads of those who lived it and ink in history books to come. I thank you for your support and look forward to the long awaited process of moving on. Goodnight.. History Essays